Rob Hall is the lead pastor of New North Church in the San Francisco Bay Area. Rob brings 23 years of pastoral experience and is widely respected as a great teacher and speaker because he is deeply knowledgeable of God’s Word, and his authenticity and vulnerability are relatable to adults as well as students. Rob is passionate about encouraging families so they can persevere and thrive amidst today’s cultural challenges. He admits to not being a perfect husband or father, but with God’s grace he strives to serve his wife and kids to the best of his ability.

Rob believes that God established the family unit for our good, human thriving and His glory and that strong Christian families play a crucial role in building healthier communities and societies. His hope is to be used by God to encourage parents and strengthen marriages to persevere amidst the pressures and challenges of today’s culture. He has been married to his beautiful and godly wife, Missy for 22 years and is dad to three wonderful kids – a college student, high schooler, and middle schooler. Rob and Missy are continually navigating the parenting journey including the unique experience of raising a child with special needs. Rob enjoys dating his wife, playing with his kids, reading, fishing, and catching up on Netflix shows.